Saturday, May 5, 2007

Purse swap

I participated in the purse/tote swap at Crochetville. This evening my package was here when I returned home. It was filled with wonderful things. The purse, which is really awesome, such nice workmanship. Stuffies (stuffed toys), crochet hooks, a hook holder, CHOCOLATE!!!, stitch markers, needles, a journal and patterns. I think that was it. Jenni really out did herself. Such a generous swap partner. AND I know she has to be a very busy Mom. THANKS JENNI!!


Jean Leinhauser said...

Hi Lucy,

I found your wonderful cancer ribbon afghan design and would like to know if this is your original design, and if we could possibly use it in a forthcoming crochet book on afghans for a cause.

Please email me directly.

Jean Leinhauser

Leslee said...

Hello Lucy!
My name is Leslee. I'm interested in your breast cancer square and have a question or two for you. Would you please email me at ?
many thanks!